Showing posts from September, 2022
Remembering Mom on Her 108th Birthday
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Today 108 years ago my mother, Annie Myrtle Murphy Barnes, was born. She believed in Jesus as her Lord and Savior and read her Bible regularly. She listened to gospel ole time preachers on the radio. (She left this world in 1998.) I want to share what a blessing she was in my life and I asked God to tell her I appreciate how she equipped me for this life in Jesus. I appreciate the sacrifice my dad and my mom made to provide what I had. One thing was piano lessons. My mom ordered gospel song books from the preachers she listened to. She got 1 or 2 from Billy Graham. I was singing one of the songs this morning and remembered today was her birthday. The song I was singing was "All That Thrills My Soul is Jesus." Here are the lyrics in my sweet mom's memory. All That Thrills My Soul Who can cheer the heart like Jesus B...
"The Chosen" Fiction vs. the Jesus Film
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Jesus (also known as The Jesus Film ) is a 1979 American Biblical drama film directed by Peter Sykes and John Krish , and produced by John Heyman . In Jesus , the life of Jesus Christ is depicted, primarily using the Gospel of Luke as the main basis for the story. A voice-over narration is featured sporadically throughout the film, providing background information on characters and events. [3] Shot on location in Israel , the film was financed primarily by Campus Crusade for Christ with a budget of $6 million, and was released without production or cast credits, as producer John Heyman declared that the creators of this picture were “simply being translators” of the New Testament's Gospel of Luke, “so nobody will know who produced or directed the film.” [3] The end of the film states that the Good News Bible (Today's English Version) was used during filming, and instead of telling a parallel story or embellishing the Biblical account like other Biblical f...
Worship God in Spirit and in Truth
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First, we must return to God by confessing our rebellion against Him and that we need Jesus to restore us to the heavenly Father in a right relationship. We ask forgiveness for our sins. We ask His Holy Spirit to come live in us. We accept Jesus as our Savior who shed His blood for our sins. We decide to follow Jesus. Then we are ready to worship God in His Holy Spirit and the Truth of His Holy Word, the Bible. There is no other way to worship God. We must come through His Holy Spirit. We must learn the truth about Jesus in His Holy Word and through His Holy Spirit. No movie about Jesus will reveal who Jesus really is! I pray Father God that You will draw all who read this, and all who are wanting to learn about You, to Jesus. Draw us to Jesus. Let us know the Way, theTruth, the Life, Jesus. Then we can come to You and worship You in Your Spirit and Truth. Protect all from the fiction about You protrayed by images whic...
Another Gospel Is Hiding in the Wings; 2 Corinthians 6:14 - A Message from God to Dallas Jenkins
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I am referring here to another Jesus, not the Biblical Jesus, but the Joseph Smith Jesus who has not been revealed as of yet. I believe the LDS will come on stage at the enemy's cue and proclaim what they believe. Unfortunately by then many will be so deceived they will say, "We just have a different approach, but we all are brothers and sisters working together for God." Many will believe the lie when they hear that Jesus is in the desert, and as Jesus warned, “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it." Matthew 24:26 2 Corinthians 6:14-14 14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what...
"The Chosen" Fiction
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If this article seems too long scroll to the highlighted part at the end for the clincher. free images "The Chosen" Fiction feature article from ( ) For those who nevertheless are enamored with The Chosen yet claim they know and love the Scriptures, The Chosen television series begins with background information about Mary Magdalene nowhere found in the Bible, as noted, but is produced out of the imagination of all the creative movie people, from the screenwriters to the director, and on down the production line. What then of additions to the final episode of season two (although examples are found throughout the entire series)? We’re shown that the disciples are in charge of producing the speaking events of Jesus (e.g., crowd control, distributing flyers for his events, setting up a stage complete with curtains for his presentation of the Sermon on the Mount). Do the Scriptures t...
Watchful in Prayers or Entertainment?
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But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. 1 Peter 4:7 This verse came to my mind the other day. We in America are obsessed with entertainment in some form. We are a society of leisure time. Most Americans, I would say, live in a nice place compared to many around the world. God warned the children of Israel not to forget Him when they moved into their nice homes in the promised land. I think we have forgotten God. A number of years ago I threw a video away which portrayed Jesus as a practical joker who was constantly laughing and joking. The film maker wanted to show that Jesus was just like us. WRONG! How many pray from 3-6 in the morning to overcome the flesh? I believe Jesus had to spend a lot of time every day before His Father to be able to overcome the flaws in His humanity and ultimately say, "Not my will but Yours be done." It grieves me to see how people are disrespecting our Lord and Savior and...
It's Not An Easy Road Lyrics by John W. Peterson
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It’s Not an Easy Road It’s not an easy road We are traveling to heaven, For many are the thorns on the way; It’s not an easy road, But the Savior is with us, His presence gives us joy every day. No, no, it’s not an easy road, No, no, it’s not an easy road;But Jesus walks beside me And brightens the journey, And lightens every heavy load. It’s not an easy road There are trials and troubles And many are the dangers we meet; But Jesus guards and keeps So that nothing can harm us, And smooths the rugged path for our feet. No, no, it’s not an easy road, No, no, it’s not an easy road; But Jesus walks beside me And brightens the journey, And lightens every heavy load. Though I am often footsore And weary from travel, Though I am often bowed down with care, Well a better day is coming When home in the glory We’ll rest in perfect peace over there.