Hasten the Day or Hasten to Him

Hasten the Day

Live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.  2Peter 3:11-12

December 17, 2015  Norman Visser

For children, Christmas can’t come soon enough. They fidget while trying hard to be nice, and they wake each morning hoping the wait is over. As we grow older, we lose interest in hastening the day. Honestly we’d rather slow time down if we could. In our adult realism we wonder what Peter could possibly mean when he tells us to speed the coming of the day of God.

Commentaries say that a Jewish tradition had grown from Isaiah 60:22, “I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.” This tradition wondered what would have to take place for God to act swiftly. One interpretation claimed that if everyone would be righteous for just one day, then the Messiah could come.

Some of that thinking may lie behind Peter’s comment. Peter teaches that the day seems delayed to us because God does not want anyone to perish. Could it follow that if everyone repented, then the need for God’s patience would be removed and we could speed the day’s coming?

But that would leave too much in our hands. Scripture teaches that Christ’s coming is not up to us. But our realism can also dilute our motivation for living holy and godly lives. To inspire this kind of living, we need to find a little of the childlike faith that hopes this will be the day.

Come, Lord Jesus, come ­quickly!

Patient God, grant us childlike, trusting faith that is eager for your coming. May we always turn to you and live in the way you call us to, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I agreed with this writer that Jesus' coming again is not up to us. We cannot hasten the day.

Jesus will come again in the fullness of time as He did the  first time. 

We are to be eagerly waiting for Him as we pray like Anna who prayed all the time in the temple for His first coming. I don't feel like we can hasten God's appointed times.

"Come Lord Jesus" is a comfort for us to pray, but I do not think this prayer will hasten Jesus' coming anymore than winning a certain number of souls. 

I do not believe in Dominion Theology. We are mere humans. God is in charge.

However, I do pray "Your kingdom come:Your will be done." I especially pray this for myself and my family for I pray that God's will be done in our lives.

 I do believe, unlike Adrian Rogers, that God's times ARE written in stone. He is the God of all time, the Alpha and Omega. Hallelujah!


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