Ryken v. Ryken: Calvinist Inconsistency in Light of Billy Graham’s Gospel (Stephen C. Marcy)

I saw the blog post below after I posted mine 5 days ago. I was encouraged to see that this writer, much more educated and fluent than I am, used a thought which I included in my post to show the error in the election doctrine. Marcy says: What is meant by, “ all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” For the Calvinist there must be a subtext to that statement. It must mean “ all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved; and only the elect will call upon the name of the Lord, and that by an irresistible grace and effectual call." (Stephen Marcy's post is very long so I only included relevant excerpts below. Marcy begins with a quote from Ryken.) “Billy Graham’s simple gospel message came down to human sin, and the fact that every single human being is a sinner and that our plight is absolutely impossible, except for the fact that God in Christ made atonement for our sins. … He pointed repeatedly to the historical...