Watchman, What of the Night? How Much Time is Left?



Isaiah 21:11-12 Living Bible

 11 This is God’s message to Edom:
Someone from among you keeps calling, calling to me: “Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? How much time is left?” 12 The watchman replies, “Your judgment day is dawning now. Turn again to God, so that I can give you better news. Seek for him, then come and ask again!”

The prophet Isaiah is talking about the future of Judah. He is calling Israel back to God. God has sent His judgement using the surrounding heathen nations.

Today many Christians cry, "How much longer God? Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus!." The world is on a downward spin. People are out of control. It is difficult to live in the chaos of this world's disorder as we look around us.

We will all face the judgment. Praise God, those who have asked God's forgiveness and accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior do not have to stand in the Great White Throne Judgment. However, we will be judged as to how we have lived our redeemed lives at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

How much time is left I keep asking. However, as Isaiah proclaims I must turn again to God for better news. I must seek for Him and be comforted each day as I keep coming and asking.

Lord God, It can't be much time left! Help me to keep coming to You. Help me to be a watchman calling people to seek You. May many, our friends, our family, our neighbors, those with whom You bring us to, come to know You as their Redeemer and avoid the coming judgment. Soften hearts, draw them to Jesus, send laborers whose message they will receive before it is too late. May we who believe hear You say, "Well Done." In Jesus' name. Amen.


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